Bloomberg, a major cable news channel and satellite radio station did a 7-minute live radio interview with me this Thursday, about small business, credit, and the economy.
Here it is on YouTube:
Well, it all started with an innocent comment I left on a CNN article on small business, then they contacted me and did a little story on, and somehow Bloomberg saw that and called me on Tuesday, and asked if I would do the interview on Thursday. I was a little friggin nervous –for a phone interview!. I have new respect for those presidential candidates, standing up in front of 60 million people unscripted.
Santa Cruz, Calif.
My construction company has grown from a one-man show to 14 employees, grossing $1 million annually. Last year, the phone stopped ringing - nothing was coming in. I tried bank loans but got nothing.
Then I tried the "receivables loan" people, who promised a great package that would just skim off my credit card sales for repayment. After 2 months of endless document requests, phone calls and e-mails, I was turned down by all of them. The reason? Too much fluctuation in my credit card receivables. One month, $20,000. The next, $2,000. They want a business like a restaurant that has very little fluctuation in their credit card receipts.
As a footnote, we've had the best year ever in 2008, and, knock on wood, have had no need to be soliciting loans.
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