Next up, a rare viewing of last year’s irreverent video chronicling our history - “Cypress Construction…from the beginning.”
And it was time to eat, drink, and be merry! Hat’s off to Center Street Grill for the great food, service, decorations, and professionalism. They were so easy to work with!
Martin Hernandez – Most Improved Employee
Nick Rahall – Best New Employee
Juan Acosta - Most Valuable Player/MVP
Congratulations to all!
Then it was time for our traditional “Great Moments In Cypress History” where I’ve handed out memorable (good or bad) quotes from various jobs throughout the year, and we all try and remember where the quote came from. Needless to say, many were fond memories, and some that we’d rather forget…
Finally, it was the Secret Santa gift exchange, and wishing everyone a Happy Holiday, and a nice, long 4 ½ day weekend!