Early in the reconstruction project, we were trained in the installation of AZEK decking by Micah Lloyd of AZEK. And throughout the project, various representatives of the company have come onsite and checked our work, and confirmed our installation best practices. 
AZEK decking is truly the gold-standard in decking today. It is lighter than other composites (TREX, ChoiceDek, et al) and wood, and contains no organic materials like composites do. As a "green" building material, it does contain a host of recycled materials. And, unlike all the rest, it comes with a lifetime warranty.
We're fortunate to be working with Shoreline Property Management of Santa Cruz, and CMA Management of Livermore on this project. Their professionalism is making this large, and sometimes challenging job run like clockwork. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to Gina Poli of Shoreline, Jeff Kearny of CMA, and Jerry Mattos of the Oceanview HOA Board of Directors for their excellent work. Architect Leonard Willis of Redwood Engineering has done a remarkable job with the plans and engineering necessary for the work.
Our own employees - Nick Rahall, Superintendent, and Forest Rayfield, Foreman - have been strong leaders and effective liasons with management, the Board of Directors, and the homeowners.
And I want to thank the homeowners of the Oceanview community for putting your trust in us to bring this project to a successful completion, and for the opportunity to be of service!