"What do you do with an up economy?" was suddenly the question in 2016. And it was a long time coming. For years we've struggled, reinvented, and worked hard to get through the recession and its aftermath, and this past year all that changed. The phone kept ringing, the emails kept coming, and I was often in the position of making the choice - expand and attempt to capitalize on the upswing, or focus on what we know and keep a good thing going. And I've been tempted by that in the past - large office, office manager, 16 employees... and all the stress, headaches (and sometimes lawsuits) that result.
And so, this past year, we've completed a couple of additions/remodels...

Of course, there was our share of decks, and this year saw expansion into more composite materials (ChoiceDek, etc), Cable-Rail railings, et al.
When all is said and done, it's not 'how much' or 'how big' we've grown, it's taking care of a great crew, so we can continue to take care of our great clients, and the homes they live in!