Monday, April 22, 2019

2019 So Far ~ In Videos

4/22/19 - It's April, and two things I can say for sure about this year so far ~ the rainfall and the economy have been off the charts! Very grateful for both, and the fact that most of the jobs we've done this year to date have been interior work. A double kitchen remodel in a duplex for long-time client and friend, adding a mid-level floor to a beautiful split-level home, helping another long-time client and friend spruce up her bathroom, and, restoring a beautiful west-side home that was severely damaged by fire. Here's the video...

But glad to have gotten some interesting outside work done between the raindrops as well. Built an ADA-compliant landing and ramp for (yes, another long-time client and friend) leading out of her new ADU apartment, and replaced a big wrap-around deck up in the foothills, designed by the homeowner, and using a great cable-railing product from an independent, direct-buy company in the northwest. And here's the video from that...

Grateful for the abundance of opportunities to be of service to those that call on us, and (to tell the truth) glad that we've finally emerged from the rainy season!

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